Page 11 - newsletter3GAPP
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Recent Advantages per Area
WP1 WP Leader: Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS – CNT – CNS)
During this part of the JA, WP1 on Coordination focused its effort on tracking and checking the activities
performed by the Consortium in order to avoid any delay on the schedule. Where they occurred, the WP1
team helped the other WPs leaders to make up for lost time and to justify the postponements to CHAFEA.
From an administrative point of view, hard challenges arose:
1. Managing the changes in the Consortium due to the withdrawal of three beneficiaries (one in
2018 and two in 2019) leading to two amendments.
2. Handling the lockdown forced by the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. After the last residential meeting,
the Intermediate Meeting held in Rome from 29 th to 30 th of October 2019, the CNT-CNS staff
convened remotely a WP leaders videoconference meeting on April 7 th 2020 to have an update
of technical activities and the impact of the pandemic on GAPP route map.
3. Meanwhile, the time has come to deliver the first technical and financial report. CHAFEA approved
the technical one and requested clarifications on some costs statements. Associated Partners are
reshaping them, and the final version of the financial report is all almost ready
4. the intermediate technical report has been approved in July 2020.
Concerning the original contents foreseen for the deliverables, WP1 haematologist supported the
idea to enlarge, in the framework of WP5, the EUROGTP II risk assessment tool also to the blood group
and to apply the Product/Process authorization procedure to COVID-19 convalescent Plasma. BST will
conduct this task with the support of the expertise of NHSBT as co-leader of EUROGTP-II project.
Great effort was put in place by the whole Consortium to minimize the impact of COVID-19 pandemic
on the Action timetable. Indeed, the coordination team is thankful to all WP leaders, beneficiaries and
collaborative stakeholders for the never-ending support to the outcome of GAPP.
WP2 WP Co-Leaders: PGH + HRC
The objective of the dissemination and communication WP is to raise the awareness about the
activities and outcomes of the Joint Action GAPP and the developments that have been achieved.
WP2 promotes the activities of GAPP to the stakeholders engaging number of communication tools
such as the website ( and the social media as wells as through the preparation and
dissemination of the present Newsletter in collaboration with all WP beneficiaries. Moreover, the
private part of the GAPP website, acting as a document repository, is being regularly renewed with
material produced by the Joint Action beneficiaries (work documents, deliverables, minutes etc.) to
facilitate the internal communication among GAPP beneficiaries.
This brochure is part of the joint action ‘785269/GAPP’ which has received funding from the European Union’s 11
Health Programme (2014-2020) GAPP - Newsletter3