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Recent Advantages per Area

                 For each deliverable generated, EAB provides a comprehensive expert feedback.

                 Contribution  and  collaboration  of  both  associated  and  collaborative  GAPP  partners  are  a  crucial
                 precondition for a successful evaluation.

       WP4       WP Coleaders: RNDVCSH, Romania and ISS-CNT-CNS, Italy

                 WP4 started in April 2020 and is conducted by the Registrul National al Donatorilor Voluntari de Celule
                 Stem Hematopoietice, from Romania with the support of the Italian National Institute of Health,
                 National Transplant and Blood centres. The Aim of WP4 is:
                 -      To set up a plan to describe the potential of GAPP results for integration in policies (at national,
                 regional or local levels)
                 -      To ensure the sustainability of the JA activities at national or local or regional level.
                 -      Draft a common proposal for supporting a sustainable implementation in single countries.
                 The work will focus on implementation and thereby sustainability at two levels.
                 -      At the CA level for regional/ national policies and eventually within Europe.
                 -      At the professional level for acceptance and thereby integration into good practice at national/
                 European level.
                 A  Swedish  expert  is  supporting  the  activities  of  WP4  related  to  the  implementation  on  national
                 legislation in cooperation with the Swedish tissue council (SALAR) collaborating stakeholder in the
                 action. A draft plan for the implementation of GAPP outcome in Sweden has been drafted in July 2020
                 and is presently ongoing.


       WP5       WP Leader: HPRA, Ireland; OCATT, Spain

                 WP5 has the objective of developing an overall guidance on how a preparation process authorisation
                 (PPA), should or could be organised. Two deliverables have been drafted and sent to the External
                 Advisory Board. D5.1, involves a review of the previous European projects to be applicable to blood
                 establishments. D5.2 contains a review of the outcome and conclusions of the survey that was sent
                 to the European Competent Authorities, it also includes a revision of a desk-based review of PPA in
                 other fields, and the conclusions of the two multi country-workshops that were held at the facilities of
                 the European Commission in October 2019, for Tissue and Cell CAs, and February 2020 for Blood CAs.
                 WP5 is currently designing the main contents and the structure of the Overall Guidance on Organisa-
                 tion of PPA system and it will be presented soon to the rest of the WPs’ leaders.

       This brochure is part of the joint action ‘785269/GAPP’ which has received funding from the European Union’s   13
       Health Programme (2014-2020)                                                            GAPP - Newsletter3
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