Page 12 - newsletter3GAPP
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Recent Advantages per Area
The COVID-19 era has led to an adaptation of our communication and dissemination procedures,
WP2 making them compatible to the necessary social distancing. However, WP2 has released an extra
newsletter issue, dedicated to the project outcomes, as illustrated during GAPP interim meeting.
Moreover, GAPP had an emphatic presence in the 36th ESHRE virtual Annual Meeting (European
Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology), which took place virtually between 5-8 of July
2020 and the 46th virtual Annual Meeting of the EBMT (European Society for Blood and Marrow
Transplantation), which took place between 29 August – 1 September 2020. The consortium is
thankful to ESHRE and EBMT for giving such great opportunity to GAPP action to be disseminated in
such relevant congresses.
WP3 WP Leader: MoH HR
The main goal of WP3 is to ensure that the project is being implemented as planned, that it reaches its
objectives and results in high quality deliverables. All WP3 deliverables have been submitted, except
for one – Final evaluation Report (due date is in the last month of the GAPP lifetime).
The work of WP3 is being carried out in two aspects - internal and external evaluation. Work
methodology of an internal evaluation consists of the following qualitative and quantitative methods:
- Assesment of the outputs ( milestones and deliverables )
- Surveys ( focus on the assesment of the GAPP meetings )
- Observation ( continuous monitorng of GAPP activities )
- Timeline tracking ( continuous monitorng of GAPP activities )
The main difference between internal and external evaluation aspects is the collaboration with the
GAPP External Advisory Board. The board gathers seven internationally acknowledged experts, as
listed in the following table:
Field of expertise EAB member
Blood Johanna C. Wiersum , TRIP National Hemovigilance and Biovigilance Office,
Tissues Johan Guns , Vrije Universiteit, Belgium
HSC Ineke Slaper Cortenbach, Netherlands
ART Alessandra Alteri, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
TTD Testing Ines Ushiro Lumb, NHS Blood and Transplant, United Kingdom
Microbiology Veroniek Saegeman, University Hospital Leuven, Belgium
Clinical trials Andrijana Tivadar, Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society (SFD), Slovenia
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