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GAPP faces
Ms Claudia Carella Dr Aurora Dragomiristeanu
Master of Science in International Relations with General Director of the Romanian National Registry
specialised training in European Project. Claudia is of the Hematopoietic Stem Cells Voluntary Donors.
working for the Italian National Transplant Centre Thanks to her experience as work-package leader in EU
(CNT) and she is a co-key team member of the Work- Joint Action, Aurora is leading the WP4 of GAPP Action.
package 1 of the GAPP Joint Action.
The objectives of the Action is to facilitate the development of a common
and optimal approach to assess and authorise preparation processes of
Blood, Tissues and Cells harmonizing the authorisaion procedures and
assuring the safety and effectiveness of related treatments
Prof. Helen Papadaki Ms Tihana Cikač
Professor of Haematology, School of Medicine, Tihana has graduated from the Faculty of Science,
University of Crete. Head, Department of Haematology, University of Zagreb and has a master’s degree in
Autologous Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation experimental biology. She has completed a year of
Unit, Public Umbilical Cord Blood Bank, University professional training within the Croatian Ministry of
Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Helen is the Health, with special emphasis on health protection
Coleader of the WP2 of GAPP JA, related to the activities. Tihana currently works on a position of a
Dissemination & Communication, on behalf of the 7th full-time project manager (GAPP, WP3) in the Service
Health Region, Crete. for Blood, Cell and Tissue Inspection.
This brochure is part of the joint action ‘785269/GAPP’ which has received funding from the European Union’s 7
Health Programme (2014-2020) GAPP - Newsletter3