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Newsletter #3 - 2020
The GAPP Joint Action has just passed its midterm and considerable progress has been accomplished in all
parallel activities and work packages. The first results are available and reveal that the CA are forwarding
towards a more homogeneous environment for the preparation processes of blood, tissues and cells. The
Joint Action is undertaken by sixteen (16) European countries, with representatives from CA, Scientific
Societies and Blood, Tissues and Cells Establishments aiming the organization of the evaluation system
for therapeutic blood, tissue and cell application practices at the CA level. Also, European Organizations
contribute their scientific experience. GAPP consortium so far includes 24 beneficiaries (1 coordinator
and 23 associated) and 15 collaborating stakeholders.
3rd Newsletter
In this third edition of the GAPP Newsletter, updates are related to the efforts and progression of Technical WPs
in order to enhance and strengthen the knowledge of stakeholders. Eight major technical meetings were held
during this 9 month period:
a. WP8 Technical Meeting, February 5, 2020
b. WP7 Technical Meeting, February 27, 2020
c. Coordination Meeting, April 7, 2020
d. WP8 Technical Meeting, April 20, 2020
e. WP5 Coordination Meeting, May 20, 2020
f. WP7 Technical Meeting, June 15, 2020
g. WP7 Technical Meeting, September 15, 2020
h. WP10 Technical Meeting, September 24, 2020
Different deliverables and reports have been produced or drafted which will be discussed in this issue. All
participants had a very positive experience in the jointly conception of GAPP’s deliverables. So far, GAPP is reaching
a wide audience through electronic material, the webpage but also the social media, registering high engagement
rates on Facebook and Twitter. Due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic the original timeline of the Action will be
extended till October 2021. There is still one year of Project ahead, meaning a lot of goals to accomplish.
This brochure is part of the joint action ‘785269/GAPP’ which has received funding from the European Union’s 3
Health Programme (2014-2020) GAPP - Newsletter3