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Expert Workshops are directly related to the core business of the project and aim
to provide assistance in the Technical Annexes preparation.
Technical Meetings & Workshops
g) WP7 Technical Meeting, September 15, 2020. A GAPP WP7 video conference Technical Meeting
aiming to finalize the Deliverable D7.1 (Annex 2 for the GAPP Overall Guidance) took place in
September 15, 2020 (hosts Fimea, FI; ABM, FR) in the presence of GAPP WP7 Experts and Associated
Partners, leaders of other GAPP WPs and SANTE SOHO representatives. The participants reviewed
and discussed all comments and modifications proposed on the draft version of D7.1 that had been
distributed before the Meeting. It was agreed that the D7.1 document could be circulated for BTC
CAs comments and subsequently for GAPP External Advisory Board assessment.
h) WP10 Technical Meeting, September 24, 2020. The GAPP WP10 video conference first Technical
Meeting was organised in September 24, 2020 (hosts: Izabela Uhrynowska-Tyszkiewicz and Artur
Kamiński; National Centre for Tissue and Cell Banking, Poland). WP10 works include developing the
content of training for inspectors, conducting two training sessions for inspectors, developing the
content of the training manual for inspectors. It was discussed that due to the epidemic situation,
both the work and training sessions will have a changed formula i.e. all activities will be carried
out remotely. Details on the training tools (platforms) and means (lectures, webinars etc) were
discussed as a starting point.
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