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Appropriate  and  reliable  laboratory  testing  of  each  donation  and/or  donor,  control  of  reagents,
       WP7      pathogen reduction, as well as, where appropriate, post-processing microbiological testing of BTCs,
                can substantially reduce the risk of transmission, and improve the overall safety of BTCs. In drafting
                the guidance, WP7 leaders have worked with 63 experts from GAPP associated and collaborating
                partners,  representatives  of  Competent  Authorities,  European  organizations,  Blood  and  Tissue
                Establishments and clinicians.

                WP Leader: Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea; Finland), Barcelona Tissue Bank (Spain)

                The WP8 group, supported by the valuable collaborations of 46 experts from of 28 organisations,
                amongst  Associative  and  collaborative  Partners,  representatives  of  Competent  Authorities  (CA),
                clinicians/surgeons, embryologists and tissue bankers, has concluded and submitted to CHAFEA its 3rd
                deliverable: “Annex 3. Guidance on how to evaluate plans to collect BTC recipients’ clinical outcome
                data upon introduction of innovation to the current BTC processing protocols”.
                This guideline establishes a methodological framework required to perform a standardised assessment
                of clinical data as part of Preparation Process Authorisation (PPA), and provide CAs with key principles
                as to:
                -       which  factors  should  be  considered  by  CAs  when  assessing  the  clinical  component  of  a
                Preparation Process Dossier (PPD) for completeness and suitability;
                -       when a Clinical Follow-up Plan (CFUpP) or a Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP) should be requested
                in order to support the authorisation of a new BTC preparation process and/or therapeutic application;
                -       what elements should be included in the CFUpP or CIP;
                -       what type of clinical data would be required to determine the safety and efficacy of human
                Blood, Tissues, and Cells (BTC) applications for therapeutic use in recipients.
                Moreover, WP8 proposes a standard plan for collecting clinical data, proportional to the risk level

                        The extent of plan for collecting clinical data included in the clinical component of the PPD is based on the risk level.

       This brochure is part of the joint action ‘785269/GAPP’ which has received funding from the European Union’s   15
       Health Programme (2014-2020)                                                            GAPP - Newsletter3
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