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       WP9      WP Leader: PEI, Germany

                WP9 designs a concept and a demonstrator for an online platform. The online platform is developed
                to support a complete preparation process authorization (PPA) for blood, tissues and cells (BTC). This
                comprises application for PPA by blood/tissue establishments and assessment of PPA application by
                national competent authorities. The online platform will further serve for knowledge sharing of data
                on PPA procedures. This includes information on national authorization procedures and national/
                international  requirements  and  recommendations.  WP9  subcontractor,  Fraunhofer  Institute  for
                Software and Systems Engineering, is in charge of programming the demonstrator.

                 As a first step, WP9 created a data model illustrating how the information from WP6, WP7 and
                WP8 will be integrated into the online platform. The finalized data model is already submitted as
                Deliverable 9.1. Secondly, WP9 started developing a preparation process dossier (PPD) by adapting
                the Common Technical Document format for BTC. The PPD, as a framework and template for PPA
                application, will be the core of the online platform and Deliverable 9.2. Finally, in Deliverable 9.3, WP9
                will combine Deliverables 9.1 and 9.2 and provide a concept for the online platform. Functionalities,
                such as authorisation (i. e. benefit-risk analysis) and a description of how the online platform and
                templates for PPA application will be adapted and updated, will be addressed in Deliverable 9.3.

       WP10      WP Leader: KCBTiK/NCTCB, Poland

                 On the basis of agreed documents: “Overall Guidance on organization of PPA system” and
                 technical annexes, this WP will organize two e-learning training courses (ECTs credit) and prepare
                 the “Manual for training CA inspectors that assess and authorize preparation processes of tissue,
                 cell, and blood products”, to disseminate the approach throughout Member States.
                 Training courses will be organized remotely open to all Member States countries, as well as to
                 Serbia and Moldova.
                 On Sept. 24, 2020 during the first WP10 telco with the WP Leaders it was discussed the general
                 design of the course and participation/role of each partner
                 Within mid-November, 2020 WP10 Leader and Coordinators will share:

                 •  Announcement of the course with main objectives, number of participants, participant
                     selection criteria, number of ECTS
                 •  Draft programme of the course with topics, reference documents and potential facilitators/
                     technical experts
                 •  The course will foresee the use of 2 tools:
                 •  the University of Warsaw platform, which will be mainly used for the storage and consultation
                     of documentation/material and for recorded lectures and use of a forum for discussion;
                 •  webinars platforms such as zoom or gotomeeting for webinars/live lectures/live exercises (e.g.
                     a working pool will be organised for each group (for each SoHO) for carrying out the exercises
                     and consequent discussion and results presentations).

                 The course will be delivered in 2 editions (5 weeks each):
                 •  31/05/2021 – 02/07/2021
                 •  6/09/2021 – 8/10/2021

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