P. 7

               WP6 Expert  Workshop Rome 30  October 2019

               The WP6 technical meeting in Rome gave the opportunity for a collaborative work on a consensus
               for finalizing Part 1 of WP6 Technical Annex 1 to the Guideline.

               WP7  -  Technical  Annex  2  to  overall  guidance:  assessing  the                                  6

               quality  and  safety  of  donor  testing,  pathogen  reduction  and

               sterilisation steps as part of PPA (Anu Puοmila, FIMEA, Finland
               and Katia Bruneau, ABM, France)

               WP7  has  one  single  deliverable  to be  prepared by  June  2020  and  the  focus of this  annex  is
               donor/donation testing, pathogen reduction and sterilisation of final products. Subgroup work
               was    identified  as  follow:  1)  Requirements  for  selection,  validation  and  performance  of
               donor/donation infectious marker testing kits and other methods; 2) Requirements and criteria
               for  laboratories  performing  donation/donor  infectious  disease  screening  and  microbiological
               testing of Blood components/Tissues/cell grafts; 3) Criteria for validation of pathogen reduction

               steps  ;  4)  Criteria  for  validation  of  sterilisation  processes;  5)  Requirements  and  criteria  for
               microbiological quality of the final product.

               Milestone 27 (Detailed plan of the Deliverable Technical annex on assessing the quality and safety
               of donor/donation testing, pathogen reduction and sterilization steps as part of PPA agreed on)
               was achieved in April 2019 and according to this plan the subgroups are working and will meet
               face-to-face for a technical workshop in Langen, Germany on 27th February.

               The drafting of the deliverable is ongoing and the final draft will be shared for comment in April
               2020 and finalized in June 2020.

               WP8 - Technical Annex 3 to overall guidance: assessing clinical
               data as part of PPA authorisation (Anu Puοmila, FIMEA, Finland;

               Jaime Tabera, BST, Spain)

               WP8 is focused on the assessing of clinical data as part of the PPA authorisation.

               The first Deliverable 8.1 associated to this WP (Defining the current state of the art of existing

               collected clinical data) was submitted to EC evaluation on the participant portal. To prepare this
               deliverable  the  main  European  Tissue  &  Cell  registries  were  interviewed  namely:  i)  EBMT
               (Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants & Cell Therapies), ii) ECCTR (Cornea & Cell Transplantation),
               iii)  ESHRE  (MAR).  Two  national  registries  the  National  registry  on  fertility  treatments  (THL,

                             This report is part of the project/joint action ‘785269/GAPP’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020). The content of this report represents the views of
                             the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it can not be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or any
                             other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
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