EU CCP Database – Covid-19 convalescent plasma collection and transfusion in the EU
The European Commission is working together with Member States, the European Blood Alliance (EBA) and other health professionals to support a study of convalescent plasma as a treatment for COVID-19 patients. The study complements the guidance issued by the European Commission and the 27 Member State competent authorities for blood and blood components.
The open-access database will gather and make available data on convalescent plasma donations and patient outcomes following transfusions. It includes data from blood establishments regarding convalescent plasma donors, the collection process and the plasma components. The data can be from clinical trials and from wider monitored use and will consolidate EU evidence on the safety and effectiveness of this therapy.
The database has been developed by the European Commission (DG SANTE, DG DIGIT, and DG CNECT) in collaboration with EBA and will be managed jointly by EBA and the European Commission.